Lectio Divina – Holy Listening
Lectio: Reading
Prayerfully choose a short passage of scripture listen from. Gospel passages work well or perhaps another passage from the weekly lectionary readings.
In this first movement you will be reading through the passage twice. The first time just to familiarize yourself with it. In the second reading, listen for the word or phrase that stands out to you.
Read it slowly, gently. Savor each portion of the reading, constantly listening for the “still, small voice” of a word or phrase that somehow says, “I am for you today.” Do not expect lightening or ecstasies. In lectio divinaGod is teaching us to listen to Him, to seek Him in silence. He does not reach out and grab us; rather, He softly, gently invites us ever more deeply into His presence.
Next ‘take’ the word or phrase into yourself. Memorize it and slowly repeat it to yourself, allowing it to interact with your inner world of concerns, memories and ideas. Do not be afraid of “distractions.” Memories or thoughts are simply parts of yourself which, when they rise up during lectio divina, are asking to be given to God along with the rest of your inner self. Allow this inner pondering, this rumination, to invite you into dialogue with God.
Write the word or phrase down.
Meditatio: Reflection
Read through the passage again with your word or phrase in mind. Ask the Holy Spirit to guide you into a deeper understanding or knowing of this sacred part of scripture.
Sit with the word or phrase for several minutes until a picture comes to mind, or you can identify a dominant feeling or impression. Record in writing as much about the picture, feeling or impression as you can.
Oratio: Prayer
Ephesians 1:18 “May the eyes of your heart be opened.”
Listen for anything that the Lord is calling you to either “do” or “be” in response to your word or phrase from the passage.
Contemplatio: Contemplate
Ask for God to provide His power for you to respond to His calling in your life.