Santa Cruz County Jail
The third question in the practice of Lectio Divina (Spiritual Reading) is “What is the word, phrase or verse I have chosen in this passage calling me to be or to do?” Consider the possibility that the Gospel of Jesus is calling you to be part of a small team that meets with men in the Main County Jail of Santa Cruz. Recently the twice a month Wednesday evening leadership has opened up under the umbrella of Prison Fellowship. There are usually 10-12 men who meet together for Bible Study, Church service, film discussion or any number of possible programs that a team develops for the men. The team should consist of no less than two members (Jesus’ strategy) and no more than 3 volunteers (Main Jail guidelines). The check-in process for the program volunteers starts at 5:30. The men are escorted into the group at approximately 5:50 and returned to their unit at 6:40. The team members who meet with the men on the other two Wednesdays are willing to walk with you through the orientation and program until you are comfortable with the process. If this is something you would like to explore contact Rich Price (831) 252-4580, [email protected].
The contact person at Main Jail in Santa Cruz is Inmate Programs Manager Kristie Clemens (kristie.clemens@